Rail Simulators benefits

Avoid rolling stocks and network immobilisation
Using simulators prevents rolling stock monopolisation as well as track occupation.

Increase productivity and save costs
In addition to their 24/7 availability, simulators reduce the number of instructors required to train several students simultaneously. This brings significant budgetary benefits.

Eliminate risks and dangers
Simulators immerse drivers into a realistic training environment and enable the reproduction of any driving situation without security issues.

Extend your scope of learning
All theoretical and procedural learning relating to rolling stocks, network, signalling, regulations, driving conditions, operation procedures, troubleshooting… can be acquired through simulation.

Improve learning environment
Learning through simulation brings interactivity, which increases trainees' involvement, reinforces training and improves retention of information.

Get an objective assessment
The simulation sessions are automatically assessed: trainees' behaviour is subjected to detailed reports and their progress is measured. All training results are centralised in a learning management system.

Boost your corporate social responsibility
Training on simulators is environmentally friendly, ensures safety of trainees, instructors as well as equipment and improves transparency in performance assessment.
Rail simulator training topics

Educate trainees for your rail network
Our experts use the latest technologies in terms of 3D imagery to recreate your network and its environment in a way that is strikingly faithful to reality. Drivers can thus become accustomed to your actual network with its stations, switches, level crossings, tunnels, bridges, critical portions...

Familiarise trainees with your signalling system
All the signals, panels, marker boards and balises found on the network are modelled with great accuracy to get drivers familiarised with your signalling.

Familiarise drivers with your national train protection system
Thanks to our international experience, we can simulate any protection system accurately so that drivers can get familiarised with train procedures and potential failures.

Prepare trainees for ERTMS
Movement authorities coming from ERTMS level 1 or 2 are reproduced on the ERTMS DMI replica, balises are noticeable on tracks, systems transitions and failures can be simulated.

Prepare trainees for CBTC
Moving block signalling and train protection are accurately simulated. System failures can also be triggered.

Train drivers to operate your train
Our simulation solutions enable drivers to get familiarised with the train and its kinetic behaviour, traction power, braking system, rail interaction…

Trigger train failures
Train drivers to respond to train failures quickly. Thanks to a virtual train, failures involving the whole vehicle can be triggered.

Teach drivers coupling and uncoupling procedures
Hauling situations, accidental uncoupling, derailment… are simulated so that drivers learn how to react fast and properly.

Prepare trainees for communications protocols
Through actual radio communication, the instructor can play the role of a dispatcher and communicate with trainees.

Train drivers for eco-driving
Training drivers for eco-driving does not only reduce energy consumption and air pollution in real situation but also prevents material wear and tear and thereby additional costs.

Optimise your fuel consumption
In addition to minimising fuel expenditures and air pollution, training drivers to eco-driving prevents material wear and tear and thereby additional costs.

Prepare drivers for events on the network
Crossing trains, agents working on the network, abnormal situations such as a car stuck on tracks or people walking around can be simulated to teach drivers the right reflexes.

Prepare drivers for passenger flows
Through simulation, drivers learn to ensure efficient and secure boarding and disembarking of passengers. This includes crowd management at rush hour, people in wheelchairs or with special equipment, disturbing passengers…

Acquaint drivers with urban traffic
Crossing light rail vehicles, agents working on the network, cars on tracks, pedestrians, bicycles... Urban traffic can be full of unpredictable events. Our solutions are perfectly adapted to train drivers so that they can adjust their driving behaviour during intense traffic density and develop the right reflexes.

Educate trainees for tight schedules
Thanks to our simulators, you can train drivers to respect tight schedules and thereby ensuring free-flowing traffic on the network.

Challenge drivers with particular weather conditions
Sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy, dusty, stormy… we simulate custom-made weather conditions to meet your needs.